Athlete Testimonial: Patricia Velez

12081204_684067115027849_519931617_nI invite men and women, especially those 40 years of age and older to get to know CrossFit. Thanks to my daughter, who inspired me to exercise regularly, get in shape, relieve stress, and escape routine, my life has changed in every way.

Thanks to the coaches who gave me the confidence, support, encouragement, patience, and are in every way devoted to my success in the program. They did not hesitate to provide me with all their attention, care, and education needed to continue to improve my technique and physical ability.

My life has taken a 180-degree turn for the better. Not only has my physique improved, but my emotional well-being as well. I feel more positive, happier, and have the feeling that I can do it all!

The best example that I can give you of the effectiveness of CrossFit in my life is the very short recovery time I went through after a recent surgery. Thanks to the training I received, my healing after the surgery was brief, and I was able to return to the gym sooner rather than later. As always, at the gym I felt the support and encouragement that is so important to get back on track, especially after a surgery. Today I am in Level 2 at CrossFit, which at my 60 years of age is a great accomplishment.

Thanks to all the young people, the coaches, and all the members of CrossFit who keep inspiring me every day to continue to give my best at the gym as well as in everything that I do.

Patricia Velez
CrossFit Virtuosity Member

Invito a hombres y mujeres, en especial a las personas mayores de 40 a-os en adelante a conocer el CrossFit. Gracias a mi hija que me incentivo a ejercitarme, ponerme en forma, eliminar el stress, salir de la rutina, mi vida ha cambiado en todos los aspectos.

Gracias a los entrenadores que me dieron la confianza, el apoyo, animo, paciencia, y se dedicaron a mi exito en el programa. Ellos no dudaron en darme el aliento, la atencion, y educacion que necesitaba para seguir mejorando mi tecnica y habilidad fisica.

Mi vida a dado un giro de 180 grados, no solo mi aspecto fisico es notablemente diferente, sino que tambien mi estado emocional. Me siento mas alegre y con la sensacion de que lo puedo lograr todo!

La mejor prueba del impacto del program de CrossFit la experimente hace poco al recuperarme de mi cirugia. Gracias al entrenamiento recibido, mi tiempo de recuperacion fue muy corto y al regresar al gimnasio, senti nuevamenti ese apoyo y respaldo que es tan importante tras la recuperacion de una cirugia. Hoy en dia estoy en el segundo nivel de CrossFit, y gracias a ello a mis 60 a-os es mas que un logro.

Gracias a toda esa juventud, los entrenadores, y todos los miembros de CrossFit que dia a dia me inspiran a seguir dando lo maximo de mi en CrossFit y en todo lo que hago.

Patricia Velez
Miembro CrossFit Virtuosity


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One Comment

  1. Veta October 21, 2015 at 6:09 pm - Reply


    It is so inspiring to watch your hard work and progress! I hope when I am your age that I am as committed as you are to learning so many new and challenging things!
    Es muy inspirador ver su trabajo duro y el progreso! Espero que cuando yo soy tu edad que yo soy tan comprometidos como usted a aprender tantas cosas nuevas y exigentes!

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