Quarantine Workout Substitutions

… or how to work out in a small space with low ceilings, quietly.


Ah running, so hard to do in a small space! Here are some ideas for things to swap in for running when you don’t want to or can’t go outside.

400m Indoor Run

If you have a hallway or 30+ feet of running space —
30 x 30ft shuttle runs


30 High Knees
30 Butt Kickers
30 Jumping Jacks
60 Steps Run In Place

400m Quiet Indoor Run

30 March In Place (Knee into Chest)
30 Ice Skaters (Reverse Lunge + Reach Opposite Hand to Front Foot, alternating) 30 No Weight Good Mornings


Trying to work out without jumping because your walls are made of paper and your floors of cardboard? Are your ceilings very low? Here are some substitutions for common CrossFit movements that you can try so you don’t annoy your neighbors or bang a hole in your ceiling.


Option 1: (Half Reps) Inch Worms without a push-up
Option 2: (Half Reps) V-Ups + (Full Reps) Air Squats


Option 1: (Half Reps) Plank Shoulder Taps + (Quarter Reps) Half Squat to Calf Raise
Option 2: 0:20-1:00 Hollow or Tuck Hold + (Quarter Reps) Russian Kettlebell Swings


Most handstand exercises can be replicated with feet or knees on a sturdy couch or coffee table, body in an L shape with hips, shoulders, and wrists stacked vertically.


Option 1: Split Squats are a quieter alternative, especially when weighted. Pad knee with couch cushion or towel.
Option 2: Cossack Squats

Overhead Squat / Lunge

Keep the weight in the front rack.

Press / Push Press / Push Jerk

Substitute Kneeling Press or Kneeling Push Press.


Option 1: Clean
Option 2: Sumo Deadlift High Pull


Option 1: Light Deadlifts
Option 2: Split Squats or Lunges
Option 3: Light or Banded Good Mornings

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