
Use your ass to do some good!

We are hosting a Squat-A-Thon to raise money for the American Red Cross to help victims of hurricane Sandy. Please click on our fundraising page to donate.

When: Friday, November 9, 2012
Where: 221 N8th Street, Brooklyn, NY 11211

How it works:
1) Show up to any of the classes on Friday.
2) Do Squats. Either as many as you can in 10 minutes or a One Rep Max Back Squat.
3) Help people.

Ways to Donate:
1) Go to our fundraising page.
2) Post a link to our fundraising page and send your friends there.
3) Bring supplies to donate to disaster relief (batteries, flashlights, winter coats, etc.)
4) Drop cash in our Donation Jar.

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  1. elastigirl November 8, 2012 at 2:59 pm - Reply

    We are already half way to our goal! Let’s do this CFV!

  2. Kyle November 9, 2012 at 12:27 am - Reply

    If you’re wondering what stuff you can donate, here’s a list from Occupy Sandy Relief (as of this morning):

    Blankets, Candles, Flashlights, Lights, Water, Food, Batteries, Diapers and Wipes, Gloves and Masks, Rubber boots, Shovels, Cleaning supplies and bleach, Trash bags, Serving dishes and utensils, Anything that produces heat Winter wear (jackets, hats, gloves, warm stuff)

    Only thing they’re not asking for more of is general (i.e. not winter) clothing supplies.

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